Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Benadryl, please.

I decided to forgo my usual nightly dose of Benadryl that I have become accustomed to after moving into a house who's basement is slathered in the sheddings of this lovely creature... meet Winnie, or Winston if you're feeling formal:
I figured I was sleepy and comfortable enough and maybe I wouldn't wake up sneezy or itchy, so I settled into the shoulder of this sexy creature (read: husband, punkie, hotness) and found myself tracing the outline of his bicep and the veins in his forearms drifting off as he still mumbled something while raking his huge hands through my hair. I told him I had been inspired to write absolutely nothing on my blog today. He tugged my hair and told me to write what's in my heart. So peaceful, so right, but oh so wrong to be awakened at 3 am by some ungodly creature that had apparently eaten the above cutie and was now having problems breathing because said cutie's big feet must've gotten stuck in it's throat on his gulp down.

Baby, I love you, but you snore like a water buffalo.
So, I moved to the cold leather couch and wrapped my whole body tightly in a quilt and proceeded to count the minutes between 3 am and 6 am. I read the news on my Blackberry and got caught up on the great health care debate and reform, all the while praying for the minute that my throat wouldn't be scratchy any more and my thoughts would turn to liquid, which signals the point when you know sleep is finally creeping back in. My thoughts started to slip and slide into each other and it made me think of an oil slick on a driveway in the 80's where all of us neighbor kids would gather to ride our big wheels. (or maybe I just wanted to add another picture)
So, what's in my heart and how on earth do I make it pertain to real estate? Well, I think you have to have a vision in life. You have to have a goal or many goals along the way. You have to believe in it and you have to see it as if you've already crossed the finish line. Sometimes people get very disappointed in the home search process. Maybe their expectations are too high, maybe they don't know what they want. I think as with any other goal in life, you have to be clear on your vision of the right home for you, while being realistic, and if something gets in the way of what you thought was the perfect home, just remember that sometimes unanswered prayers are the best kind and things work out for a reason! I found some great articles on hgtv's frontdoor website and thought it has some awesome tips to help you paint the vision of the perfect home for you!

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